So we were off to school, his school that is, he was attending an oil rig school down in Houston, Tx and I was going with him, we were going to be staying in a hotel down there and he would go back on the weekends to see his family meaning his kids and wife.
It was going to be fun so I thought, I got to go with him to his new school while he had to fill out paperwork and got a small tour. The Monday following he would start school. I was almost 2 months pregnant and hadn’t really had any morning sickness, Thank God, I was thinking and hoping that meant I was going to have a boy, cuz that is what we wanted.
It was first day of School he left me some money to go over to the waffle house and get some breakfast it just happened to be right across the street which was nice because I couldn’t drive anyway, I love breakfast food period could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
As the weeks went on I started to run out of things to do, I would go walking there was a little plaza area right next to the hotel so occasionally he would give me some money to but something at the store, I would always get something for the baby.
Then there was the hurricane (hurricane Katrina) we had to prepare to evacuate. It was probably the most horrific thing I had ever been through at that time in my life as we began the supposed to 4 hour drive back home ended up being a 3 day trip, everyone closed down their businesses we were able to find one local pizza joint that I had stayed open only to get rid of his remaining pizzas and I was starving, and I immediately felt nauseous it wasn’t for long though I immediately vomited up the pizza apparently the baby did not like pepperoni as I tried later eating the pizza without the pepperoni and was able to keep it down.
That was only restaurant we found open besides the few gas stations that were still open which meant anytime we saw one open we stopped to get gas, use the restroom and to get snacks and drinks because we didn’t know when are next stop would be, and some gas stations didn’t even have a public bathroom so that meant you had to go somewhere else such as the carwash that was next door to one of the gas we had stopped at.
I was miserable and I wasn’t even in the actual hurricane, there people stranded on the side of the highway because they had ran out of gas and some were stopping to use the restroom on the side of the highway, there people handing out water along the side of the road.