It was getting colder outside all three kids were battling the sniffles the girls were still going back and forth to moms and Grandma while Nathaniel started to go to his Grandpa’s, my dad’s house.
While I was working even when his dad was at home if I was working that is where he went. See Nathaniels Dad’s mother wasn’t to accepting of Nathaniel because of how everything had happened, she believes that we should have been married and of course I also don’t like how everything happened but regardless it was not Nathaniels fault and nor did I want him to be around people that would make him feel as though his sister’s we’re a little more important because there mom and dad were married.
My family didn’t care either way they loved Nathaniel and they were there when he was born and have always treated him like he is was the best things that could have ever happened to me, so when I work he goes there it sets my mind at ease knowing he is being well taken care of.
I was still working at the telemarketing center, still hated it , I would constantly doze off, I hated sitting in front of the computer screen all day, I didn’t know how people do it , I could actually type really well without looking at the keys but you basically just sit there all day answering the phone trying to convince these people to make a payment on account they really didn’t give a shit about that was exhausting. Thanksgiving was almost here though and then it would be Christmas my favorite holiday.